Connection, Inspiration, Growth.
As a Spiritual Mentor (credentialed Spiritual Director), I very much enjoy accompanying people who seek meaning in life, and who are discerning their path.
Divine Spirit is present and at work in every area of life. I will listen to the themes of your life stories, and guide you in reflection that brings forward your innate wisdom. I can suggest life practices that lead to inspired work, play, relationships and service.
Connecting with Spirit
Everyday, Everywhere
Guidance & Inspiration
"There are many paths to the Mystery some call God, Higher Power, Allah, Buddha Nature, and Atman, among others. Everyone finds a way into Mystery from whatever experience has taught them. Ordinary life is the place to begin. When you pay attention to events, feelings, thoughts, and images in the company of a wise spiritual guide, your world takes on a richness, depth, and solidity that you might otherwise miss. Aspects of your life that are difficult, confusing and lonely, as well as inspired, delightful and full of joy, become much more meaningful when shared with an experienced Spiritual Director. You discover you do not travel your path alone.
In Spiritual Direction you will be supported and empowered to recognize and pay attention to your own innate spirituality. Gradually you discover an inner compass of sacred wisdom you may not have known before. As you learn to trust the true North of that inner compass, it becomes easier to live in freedom and authenticity." – From the Interfaith Counseling Center, www.interfaithcc.org
Trustworthy Relationship
I have practiced Spiritual Direction/Mentoring for more than 20 years and worked with people of different faith traditions and spiritual philosophies. I can dig deeply into the Christian contemplative tradition with you, or follow your lead according to where you are in your spiritual exploration. In any case, I will always be respectful of your journey and path. I will customize my approach based on your interests and preferences. I am currently meeting with my clients on Zoom.
I abide by the Code of Ethics of Spiritual Directors International and participate regularly in interdisciplinary consultations and peer supervision. While I am not a licensed mental health professional, I can recognize mental health issues and will not hesitate to make appropriate referrals.
One-on-one hour-long meetings are usually scheduled every three or four weeks. I offer my services at $85-$110 per individual session (you choose what you can pay in this range). I periodically offer groups at $100 per person for a series of four sessions; let me know if you are interested in joining a group and I'll let you know when I plan to offer one.
Spiritual Direction can be a rich process, either in parallel with your work in therapy or as a stand-alone process that invites a deeper exploration of your soul and wider experience of the Holy in your life.

Rev. Jan Reynolds, M.Div., D.A.S.D.
Jan Reynolds is a writer, organizational and community leader. She has served in many arenas over her varied career, for the purpose of fostering the healthy development and well-being of individuals, institutions, and society. She has worked with publishing and tech companies, education and human service non-profits, faith communities, and counseling centers.
Mentoring and Coaching
Jan has practiced as a credentialed spiritual mentor since 1999, working with people of various faith traditions and spiritual philosophies, and leading groups, classes, and retreats. Jan accompanies individuals and groups on their life journey, listening to the themes of their lives and guiding clients in reflection that brings their innate wisdom forward, especially during times of life path discernment. She suggests spiritual and life practices that lead to inspired work, play, relationships, and service. She currently works by phone and Zoom. https://www.thespiritlife.us/
Jan is on the staff of the Interfaith Counseling Center of the San Francisco Bay Area (www.interfaithcc.org), and served as their board president; she leads retreats through the Pacific Center of Spiritual Formation (www.pacificcentersf.org). She also served on staff at the Lloyd Pastoral Counseling Center at San Francisco Theological Seminary from 2000-2007.
Jan earned a Masters of Divinity degree and a Graduate Diploma in the Art of Spiritual Direction from San Francisco Theological Seminary, and a B.A. from the University of California at Berkeley.
Community and Religious Leader
Jan seeks to build bridges and work toward social equity through her work with community organizations. She has served as an interfaith clergy leader with the Marin Interfaith Council and the Marin Organizing Committee. She served as a Trustee of the Marin Community Foundation’s Buck Family Fund.
Jan recently was Interim Pastor of the dynamic St. Andrew Presbyterian Church in Sonoma, CA, and previously served as Pastor of First Presbyterian Church of San Rafael-- congregations dedicated to social inclusion, contemplative practice, and the creative arts.
Business Executive and Non-Profit Consultant
Jan was a business executive (marketing, organizational development, and strategic planning) and a non-profit executive and consultant (social justice entities, funding development and strategic planning). She continues to consult with non-profits in the areas of strategic planning and “institutional vocation,” helping non-profits chart their course based on their deepest values.
By Denise Levertov
Something is very gently
Invisibly, silently,
Pulling at me—a thread
Or net of threads
Finer than cobweb and as
Elastic. I haven’t tried
The strength of it. No barbed hook
Pierced and tore me. Was it
Not long ago this thread
Began to draw me? Or
Way back? Was I
Born with its knot about my
Neck, a bridle? Not fear
But a stirring
Of wonder makes me
Catch my breath when I feel
The tug of it when I thought
It has loosened itself and gone.

I will meet with you in person, via Skype/Zoom or phone for a half-hour consultation at no cost so we can see if we are a good match. Consider contacting me today to schedule a session.
Interfaith Counseling Center
15 Austin Avenue
San Anselmo, CA